The report Workload Report - Issue Type may be altered due to 2 variables :

  • The Merge Sub Issue-Type parameter,
  • and the Sub Task (ST) and Sub Task Only (STo) aggregation criteria.

Merge Sub Issue Type

As soon as, the Merge Sub Issue-Type parameter is enable, the worklogs of any Sub Task are displayed and merged with the Parent Issue Type.

By example, if an Improvement Issue Type is split into different Sub Tasks, then all Worklogs will be not displayed in dedicated column but cumulated to the Improvement column.

Sub Task Aggregation Criteria ST and STo

The goal of both criteria is to aggregate Worklogs of Sub Task, but they have a small difference ...

The generated Aggregation Tree is displayed as a table, and it may occur that an Issue has :

  • an issue has no Sub Task, or no Worklog for the existing Sub-task
  • and not only Sub-Task have Worklog, but also the parent issue

In such case, the displayed table has to be well formed. To assure that, 2 behavior are designed :
  • With the criteria ST, Worklog of the Parent Issue are displayed as a blank node at the same level than the Sub Tasks,
  • With the criteria STo, Worklog of the Parent Issue are not displayed at Sub Task level, but only cumulated on Parent node (classically a Parent Issue criteria).

The best to understand is to see below example

Aggregation by Issue and Not Merged

The aggregation criteria is done using the Issue (IS) criteria and Merge Sub Issue Type parameter disabled.

In this case :
  • Keys of Issue and Sub-Task are displayed in the same column,
  • Their related Worklogs are displayed depending each Issue Type

Aggregation by Issue and Merged

The aggregation criteria is done using the Issue (IS) criteria and Merge Sub Issue Type parameter enabled.

In this case :
  • Keys of Issue and Sub-Task are displayed in the same column,
  • Their related Worklogs are displayed depending Parent Issue Type

Aggregation by Parent Issue and Sub-Task, and Merged

The aggregation criteria is done using the Parent Issue (PIS) and Sub-Task (ST) criteria and Merge Sub Issue Type parameter enabled.

In this case :
  • Parent Issue are displayed in 1st column,
  • Sub-Tasks are displayed in 2nd column,
  • Their related Worklogs are displayed depending Parent Issue Type column
  • Parent Issue and Sub-Task Worklogs are displayed in separate node (blank in case of Parent Issue)

Aggregation by Parent Issue and Sub-Task Only, and Merged

The aggregation criteria is done using the Parent Issue (PIS) and Sub-Task (STo) criteria and Merge Sub Issue Type parameter enabled.

In this case :
  • Parent Issue are displayed in 1st column,
  • Sub-Tasks are displayed in 2nd column,
  • Their related Worklogs are displayed depending Parent Issue Type column
  • Only Sub-Task Worklogs are displayed in Sub-Task node
  • Parent Issue Worklogs are not displayed at Sub-Task node level, but only aggregated in Parent node

Aggregation by Parent Issue and Sub-Task Only, and Not Merged

The aggregation criteria is done using the Parent Issue (PIS) and Sub-Task (STo) criteria and Merge Sub Issue Type parameter disabled.

In this case :

  • Parent Issue are displayed in 1st column,
  • Sub-Tasks are displayed in 2nd column,
  • Their related Worklogs are displayed depending each Issue Type column (Separate columns for Parent Issues and Sub-Task )
  • Only Sub-Task Worklogs are displayed in Sub-Task node
  • Parent Issue Worklogs are not displayed at Sub-Task node level, but only aggregated in Parent node

Useful hint

See also ...

  • No labels