User Management for Project Manager allows the delegation of Group Membership management to powered users depending on an advanced configuration.

To benefit from this feature, just follow these 2 steps :

  • Define who is allowed to manage Group Delegations
  • Define a set of Group Delegations :
    • for which groups (Delegated Group) in which project a delegation has to be created ?
    • which powered users are allowed to benefit from this delegation ?
    • which type of delegation is created ?

Group Delegation Permissions

As JIRA Administrator, you can grant any users the Group Delegation Management since the features of Users and Group Management for Project Manager are driven by Custom Permissions. 

  • The Global Permission Manage Group Delegation allows to define who can create Group Delegations
  • A set of Project Permissions allows users to acquire some privilege on Delegated Groups identified by the Group Delegation for a Project. 

Define a Group Delegation

As Granted User with the permission Manage Group Delegation, you will be allowed to define which groups will be delegated in which Projects.

Manage Delegated Groups

As Powered User granted with a "Manage" Group Delegation, you will be allowed to manage :

  • Group's Membership for Users
  • Group's Membership for Groups (Nested groups)

  • No labels