After installation, few configurations may be required to enhance your experience  ...

  • Metadata Access
  • Case sensitivity
  • Rows limit
  • ...

How to access DB Client Settings

When installed, Alkaes Database Client for Jira installs also the plugin Alkaes JIRA Plugin - Settings Mangement, used to manage all settings of Alkaes plugins.


DB Client Settings

On DB Client Settings, you will be able to adapt them depending you Database. 

Metadata Access

Generally, the access to Metadata is done through JDBC DatabaseMetaData class. It should work always without issue.

But in some case, you can experience issue like with Oracle JDBC Drivers, where some of them are concerned by a bug where opened cursor are not closed, and on Jira Instance with numerous plugins, we can easily exceed the max cursor count when JDBC DatabaseMetaData accesses the Metatada, and all tables are not listed.

To resolve that, Alkaes Database Client for Jira introduces a direct access to Metadata via SQL queries. This capacity has been implemented for Oracle and PostgreSQL.

Case sensitivity

Depending on the Database type and its hosting Operating System, the table may require to be quoted in SQL Statements or not.

Adapt it based on your case.  

Row Limit

If you are not aware with the Jira Database Scheme, you may prefer to have a row limit criteria in you SELECT Statement.

Other Database Object Type

For advanced SQL users, when using Metadata Access via SQL, you may need to see not only Table, but also other object type (Indexes, Sequences,  ....)   


In some cases, your Jira Instance may share the Database with other application, and then, you may need to access other Schema.

One of them is when you have the Easy BI plugin ...

But sure that you will able to find many other cases on your side. 

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