Timesheet Notification Feature is currently broken due to change in Jira APIs.

It will be reviewed in future.

Timesheet Notifications

Timesheet Management is defined with a default Notification Scheme.

To allow such notification, Minyaa has implemented its own Notification Type Provider and Template Provider provided by Minyaa Core :

  • Notification Type Provider
  • Template manager.

Timesheet Notification Type

Timesheet Management comes with a new Notification Type based on the Permission Approve Worklog.

Timesheet Events

Some event are added in the configuration and associated to new Mail Template.Workflow for Timesheets

Timesheet Mails

Following the configured Notification Scheme, each actor is notified by a mail where are displayed :

  • The reference of the Timesheet : Owner, Period and Status
  • The Workflow Transition which has raised the event
  • A list of link to each Worklogs impacted by the transition
  • The associated comment

Under contruction

Thanks for noting that this documentation site is under construction. You can refer to Minyaa Time 3.5.x .

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