Technical Plugins : License Management, Settings Managements, Common
Licenses Hierarchy
Due to such dependency hierarchy, Alkaes plugins may embed plugins are also controlled by License.
To resolve this, their License Management is able to extend a license to the dependencies.
By example Minyaa Time has a dependency with Minyaa Core, and then its License allows also the usage of MInyaa Core.
In the same way, Minyaa Suite is not a Feature Plugin. It is just a way to aggregate all plugins of the Suite. And following the same mechanism, Licenses for Minyaa Suite is able to allow the usage of all the hierarchy of Plugin.
With Minyaa 3.x, Minyaa Suite lIcenses were provided for Trial purposes and also as soon as you was licensed for 2 or more plugins.
Since Minyaa 4.x, Minyaa Suite licenses are provided only for Trial purposes. When you purchase some plugins, you receive a license of each of them.
By example :
You deploy Minyaa Suite and evaluate it with a Trial License
You decide to purchase Minyaa Time and Minyaa Workflows
You will then receive 2 license keys for each of them
You will have to apply the license of each of them
Others plugins that were licensed by the Trial License on Minyaa Suite, will be no more usable as soon as the Trial license will expired.
To avoid some side effect, it will be better to uninstall Minyaa Suite plugin and other not licensed plugins (Users, Reports & Spread). Note that Core will be licensed by inheritance of Minyaa Time which has a dependency on it.