Minyaa provides CustomFieldTypes and a CustomFieldSearcher based on Worklogs.
Inspired from J.Nolen's Vote and Watcher Plugin.
These modules give the ability to see the list of Worker on an issue.

Current Workers
This Custom Field Type provides the list of all Current Workers, users which are working on an issue.
Are considered ...
- any user which have enter worklog on an issue,
- or, any user that have added the Issue in its Working Issue List (See Log Work from Dashboard),
- and he did not remove the Issue from its Working Issue List.
All Workers
This Custom Field Type provides the list of all Workers, users which are working or have worked on an issue.
Are considered ...
- any user which have enter worklog on an issue,
- or, any user that have added the Issue in its Working Issue List (See Log Work from Dashboard)
All Workers
In both case, a CustomFieldSearcher is available
It allow to list in Issue Navigator all Issues worked by a User, based on Working Issue List ...