Supported Relative Date Operations

Date criteria may be filled with a relative Date format. The format follows below codification :

CodeValue Description
NOWToday (Current Date and Time)
DATEDate passed in parameter
BOWBegin Of Week
EOWEnd Of Week
BOMBegin Of Month
EOMEnd Of Month
BOQBegin Of Quarter
EOQEnd Of Quarter
BOSBegin Of Semester
EOSEnd Of Semester
BOYBegin Of Year
EOYEnd Of Year
+1BBusiness Day

Samples Relative Date Operations

This Relative Date engine is used in different part of Minyaa (Timesheet, Report Configuration), and may evaluated against a passed date or the current date. The supported syntaxes can give following samples :

Sample OperationDescription
BOW1st day of current week
BOW+3DThursday of current week
BOW(+3D)1st day of the week of (Today + 3 Days)
NOW+2DToday + 2 days. Can also defined "+2D"
+3BToday + 3 Business Days (Saturday and Sunday are ignored)
+15D+0BToday + 15 Days and the date is aligned on next Business Day (if resultant date is not s Business Day)
+2W-0BToday + 2 Weeks and the date is aligned on previous Business Day (if resultant date is not s Business Day)
EOY(BOQ(EOM(NOW-12W)+3D)-3Q)This formula executed for March 14' 2013, gives December 31' 2012.

You can mix all these functions if is needed ...
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