Alkaes JIRA Plugin Field Administration Enhanced provides some additional API to list files on File SystemList File System
Goal : Allows to list files on JIRA side. The path is
Usage : This API is reserved to Jira System Administrator.
API | - /rest/extendedAdmin/1.0/filesystem
- /rest/extendedAdmin/1.0/filesystem/${rootPath}
Method | GET |
Params | Params Key | Type | Description |
rootPath | String | File Path to list. Default path is the current directory (<jiraInstall>/bin) | level | Long | Nb of level of read sub-folders | expand | String | Specifies the attributes expanded in return JSON : - self : Self URL for related read folder
- isDirectory : append is read element is a directory
Return | FileBean returned : Key | Type | Description |
filePath | String | Path of current File | isDirectory | boolean | Is current File is a folder or not (if expand=isDirectory) | self | URI | URI for current element | files | List<FileBean> | List of FileBean for next level |
Return Code | 200 : All changes performed without issue. 401 : Access not authorized to current user. 500 : Internal Server Error. |