his page will help you to build your own Worklog Field.


You will need to follow below prerequisites :

Module Types provided by Minyaa Time

To allow to develop your own Worklog Field, Minyaa Time provides 2 disctints Module Types :

  • <plugin-model /> : It allows a plugin to defined additional OFBiz Entity Configurations.
  • <worklog-field /> : It allows to define a new Worklog Field

Your Worklog Field Plugin step by step ..

Step 1. Create the plugin skeleton

Here, you will create your plugin skeleton with your preferred solution :

Step 2. Update your Maven POM ...

... related the dependencies

In terms of dependencies, you will need to append Minyaa Time (here for JIRA 7.3.x using Minyaa Time 1.16)

<project ...>

... related the Maven JIRA Plugin

Since the components implemented in your plugin will have to be loaded by Minyaa Time, you will have to make them exportable.

Here, we assume that your Worklog Fields have com.yourcompany.jira.worklogfields as package.

<project ...>

Step 3. Create your Worklog Fields Classes

Then, you will have to develop your first Worklog Field class ...

Interface WorklogField

Minyaa Time provides the below WorklogField interface

public interface WorklogField {

    * @return the Module Descriptor for Worklog Field
   WorklogFieldModuleDescriptor getDescriptor();

    * @return the Key of the field as defined in its descriptor
   public String getKey();

    * @return the Name of the OFBiz Entity where the field will be stored
   public String getEntityName();

    * @return the Name of the field as it will be used in the OFBiz Entity
   public String getFieldName();

    * @return the Id of the field as it will be used in the HTML Form
   public String getId();

    * @return a generated Complete Key used to identify the field among all fields provided by any plugin
   public String getCompleteKey();

    * @return the key of the field as defined in its descriptor
   public WorklogField newWorklogField();

    * @return the display name as it will be displayed in the GUI (No I18n supported yet)
   public String getDisplayName();

    * @return the value as it is passed from HTML Form
   public Object getValue();

    * Sets the value of field
   public void setValue(Object value);

    * @return the default value of (user uninitialized) field
   public Object getDefaultValue();

    * Performs syntax and semantic (eg. hours between 0 and 23) field validation.
    * @param worklogFields Map of all passed Worklog Fields. It may be required to perform validation against other passed Worklog Fields
    * Key's Map follows the syntax entityName:fieldName
    * @return true if field validated OK, false otherwise
   public boolean validate(final Map<String,WorklogField> worklogFields);

    * NOTE YET USED !!
    * Calculates field visibility depending on its value or/and potentially other field values
    * @param worklogFields Map of all passed Worklog Fields. It may be required to evaluate other passed Worklog Fields
    * @return true if hidden, false otherwise
   public boolean hide(final List _worklogFields);

    * @return display type is the input control type (text, select, radio, checkbox, ...) to use in the HTML Form
   public String getDisplayType();

    * @return The Native Value is the Raw value as it has to be stored by OFBiz 
   public Object getNativeValue();

   public void formatForDisplay();

   public Worklog getWorklog();

   public void setWorklog(final Worklog _worklog);
   public String getValidationError();


and also an abstract implementation : fr.alkaes.myaatm.worklog.fields.AbstractWorklogField.

When you will implement your own Worklog Field, you WILL HAVE TO use it.

Sample : Chargeable

Here the source of fr.alkaes.myaatm.worklog.fields.impl.Chargeable, a Worklog Field provided by default in Minyaa Time (just a sample for the moment).

package fr.alkaes.myaatm.worklog.fields.impl;
import java.util.List;
import fr.alkaes.myaatm.worklog.fields.AbstractWorklogField;
 * @FQCN fr.alkaes.myaatm.worklog.fields.impl.Chargeable
 * @author vthoule (Alkaes Consulting)
 * @since [6400/7300].1.16
 * @version [6400/7300].1.16
 * @description
public class Chargeable extends AbstractWorklogField {

   private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

   public Chargeable() {
      // Here is defined the list of allowed values.
      allowedValues = new String[] { "0", "1", "false", "true" };

   /** @return the Display Name, as it will be displayed in the HTML Form */
   public String getDisplayName() {
      return "Chargeable";

   /** @return Default Value*/
   public Object getDefaultValue() {
      return "false";

   /** Return if the field has be shown or not (NOT Yet used)
   public boolean hide(List iWorklogFields) {
      return false;

   /** @return HTML type of field */
   public String getDisplayType() {
      return "checkbox";

Validation capacities

If needed, you will be able to validate your field against :

  • Worklog : The current Worklog is referenced in the Field
  • and other Worklog Fields : Map of other Worklog Field is passed to the validate() method with a key based on "entityName:fieldName"

public boolean validate(Map<String, WorklogField> iWorklogFields) {
	// validate
	boolean valid = true;
	// Retrieve Timespent of the Worklog
	Long timeSpent = worklog != null ? worklog.getTimeSpent() : null;
	// If timespent is specified
	if (timeSpent != null && timeSpent.longValue() > 0) {
		WorklogField otherWorklogField = iWorklogFields.get("MyWorklogDetails:otherWorklogField");

		if (((Number)getNativeValue()).doubleValue()*3600 == timeSpent.doubleValue()) {
			valid = valid && ((String)otherWorklogField.getValue()).equalsIgnoreCase((String)otherWorklogField.getDefaultValue());
		if (!valid) {
			validationError = "otherWorklogField cannot be selected for this value.";
			return valid;
	} else {
		valid = super.validate(iWorklogFields);
	return valid;

Create also all needed Worklog Fields.

Step 4. Configure your OFBiz Entity

When you have defined all your Worklog Fields, you will have to prepare the OFBiz configuration and also be able to store their values.

It will require 2 distinct XML files :

  • The entity group file where your additional entities will be listed.
  • The entity model file where each of this entity will be configure for each fields

NB : Your are able to store your Worklog Field in one or many entities as you want,

Here is the sample configuration for 2 Worklog Fields stored in 1 Entity

  • <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE entitygroup PUBLIC "-//OFBiz//DTD Entity Group//EN" "http://oss.org.cn/ossdocs/applications/ofbiz/ofbiz-2.1.1-docs/website/dtds/entitygroup.dtd">
        <!-- WorklogType data -->
        <entity-group group="default" entity="SampleWorklogField"/>
  • <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE entitymodel PUBLIC "-//OFBiz//DTD Entity Model//EN" "http://oss.org.cn/ossdocs/applications/ofbiz/ofbiz-2.1.1-docs/website/dtds/entitymodel.dtd">
    	<title>Entity Model for Sample Worklog Fields</title>
    	<description>Entities added to extend Worklog Features</description>
    	<copyright>Copyright (c) 2017-2017 Alkaes Consulting</copyright>
    	<author>Vincent Thoule</author>
    	<entity entity-name="SampleWorklogField" table-name="sampleworklogfields" package-name="">
    		<!-- Mandatory Field used to identify the Worklog -->
    		<field name="id" type="numeric" />
    		<!-- "Chargeable" stored as small string -->
    		<field name="chargeable" type="short-varchar" />
    		<!-- "Chargeable Hours" stored as Double (Number) -->
    		<field name="chargeablehours" type="floating-point" />
    		<!-- Define Id as the Primary Key -->
    		<prim-key field="id" />
    		<!-- Define a relation 0,1 to 1 with Worklog -->
    		<relation type="one" title="Is" rel-entity-name="Worklog">
    			<key-map field-name="id" rel-field-name="id" />

Step 4. Configure your Modules in Atlassian Descriptor

When you have implemented all needed Worklog Fields and defined how they will stored in database, you will have to complete the configuration of the Atlassian Descriptor (atlassian-plugin.xml) of your plugin.

You will have to use the 2 module-types previously mentioned ...

Worklog Fields Entity Model Declaration

Worklog Fields Classes Declaration

Sample Descriptor

<project ...>

Step 5. Build and Deploy

<project ...>


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