Usage Cases

You need to condition some transition depending on the activity or inactivity on an issue.


  • A Support ticket stayed in the In Progress Status since 1 day without additional comment, you want to allow a Transition managed by Auto-Transition, in order to launch a new reminder by mail.
  • A Ticket is Resolved since more 3 days, you want to Close it (always by Auto-Transition)
  • You want to block a transtion for a delay for legal reasons,
  • ...


Add the Condition

Select the Actviity Condition ... 

Or the Inactivity Condition ... 

Edit and View Parameters

It is possible to define a threshold for each of proposed Activity Type.

When defined, the condition will be passed depending on activity Type evaluations.


XML Declaration

The Condition configuration may be done in XML in Workflow descriptor as follow :

<condition type="class">
	<arg name="onEdit">8h</arg>
	<arg name="onWorklog">2d</arg>
	<arg name="onComment">8h</arg>
	<arg name="">fr.alkaes.myaawf.workflow.condition.ActivityCondition</arg>
	<arg name="onTransition">2d</arg>


Conditions based on Activity or Inactivity on a Issue.


On this page:


See also ...