Usage cases

You want to initiate a reserved transition of the current issue.

How it works

You have to use this Post-Function in combination with the Flag Condition.

You may add the Flag Condition to the candidate Transition. Also the Transition will be reserved, and only the Post-Function will be allowed to perform the transition.

The Post-Function will be able to identify all these candidate transitions and will perform the first valid one .

Configuring the Feature

To configure this Workflow Post-Function, follow these steps :

  1. Add the Transition Flagged Transition Post-function to any wanted transition, that will be Initiator of the first valid Transition of the issue.

    For more information on adding a Post Function in Workflow, please see JIRA: Adding a Post Function

  2. Its configuration allows you to specify ...

    • A Flag that may be required if the Auto-Transition to perform is conditioned by a Flag Condition

  3. When added, the Post-Function should be among the latest defined Post-Functions (its weight is set to 9999).

  4. You will end up with a transition looking like:

    And the XML Declaration as follow :

    <post-function >
    	<function type="class">
    	  <arg name="full.module.key">fr.alkaes.minyaa.jira-plugin-minyaa-workflowstransitionFlaggedTransition</arg>
    	  <arg name="">fr.alkaes.myaawf.workflow.postfunction.TransitionFlaggedTransitionsFunction</arg>
    	  <arg name="autoTransitionComment">Transitioned by Post-Function</arg>
    	  <arg name="flagproperty">AutoCandidate</arg>
  5. Then, you will have to mark these Transitions as candidate for Auto-Transition.

    To do that, add the Flag (here AutoCandidate) as Property in the Transition with True as value. The XML Declaration will be as follow :

    <action id="900" name="Auto-Close Issue" >
    	<meta name="AutoCandidate">true</meta>

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