Since JIRA 6.3, plugins are able to extend Permissions (Project Permissions and Global Permissions).
With Minyaa Time, the feature Auto-Transition, provided by the OSWorkflow framework, is implemented and requires a dedicated Global Permission.
In order to avoid conflict, this Global Permission is provided by Minyaa Core.
How to configure them ?
Nothing special to do. As soon as the plugin is installed, enabled and licensed, the RUN_AUTO_TRANSITIONGlobal Permission is available in JIRA.
But, note that this permission is only a declaration of new permission. Only plugins that know it can use it.
How to use it ?
The RUN_AUTO_TRANSITION Global Permission is used in Minyaa Time in the Workflow implemented for the Timesheet Management, but it can be also used with the Permissions Workflow Functions provided by Minyaa Core.