You want to go back to the previous Step where the Issue was before the current one.
Classically, you have implemented a suspensive Step like Suspended, Request Information, ...
For workflow like beside, with JIRA out of the box, you will have :
to create a transition from each Step where you want to implement a suspensive Steps.
During these transitions, you would have to memorize from which Step you come from.
From this suspensive step, you would have to create a transition from which you come from, with condition based on the memorized Step.
In worth cases, for a such workflow, you would have to manage at least 24 transitions. Good luck ...
How it works
By defining this Back To Previous Post-Function in your workflow, you will be able to force as new Step, the Previous Step where the Issue was before to reach the current Step.
It will be, also, more simple to have :
One Global Transition to the suspensive Step or few Transition from a part of Steps
One recursive Transition from this suspensive Step to itself with the Back To Previous Post-Function
Configuring the Feature
To use this Back To PreviousPost-Function, please follow these steps :
Create you suspensive Step,
Append incoming transitions (One Global Transition or few Step Transitions, depending your needs)
Append a Recursive Transition
It will give by example such below Steps
On this Recursive Transition, you will have just to add the Back to Previous Step to any wanted transition
When the Post-Function will be executed, it will check for Transition History, and will identify the previous Step (different from the current), and then it will create a new Step occurrence in the Workflow, like if there was some outgoing transition to this previous Step.