Basically, for custom fields, the aggregation was done with the raw value of the custom field converted in text as aggregated value as well as displayed value. In case of custom field implemented by CustomFieldType of Third Part Plugin, the same mechanism was applied, but the result was not always as expected.
With the introduction of the plugin "Alkaes Issue Selector and Computed Fields", the raw value for Issue Selector custom field is just the Issue Id, but it had no sense to use it as displayed value in Minyaa Tim reports, and only the third part plugin itself knows how to render the field.
It is why it has been decided to provide a new Plugin Module Type, where Third Part plugins will be able to provide their own class in charge of rendering correctly the value : the ReportElementTranslator.
On this page:
You will need to follow below prerequisites :
Have some basis knowledge on how to build a JIRA Plugin. Take time to read Building JIRA add-ons.
Then, you will have to develop your first ReportElementTranslatorclass ...
public interface ReportElementTranslator {
* @return Key of Module Descriptor
public String getKey();
* @param _cft Relevant Customofield Type
* @param _cf Relevant Customfield
* @param _value Customfield Raw Value
* @param _context Context containing the Issue and also any relevant element needed to render the Customfield Raw Value
* @return String rendering the Custom Field Raw Value
public String getStringFromValue(CustomFieldType _cft, CustomField _cf, Object _value, Map<String, Object> _context);
* @param _cf Relevant Customfield
* @param _issue Relevant Issue
* @return The Customfield Raw Value
public String getValueFromCustomfieldObject(CustomField _cf, Issue _issue);
* @param descriptor ReportElementTranslator Module Descriptor
public void setDescriptor(ReportElementTranslatorModuleDescriptor descriptor);
* @return ReportElementTranslator Module Descriptor
public ReportElementTranslatorModuleDescriptor getDescriptor();
* @return Key of Customfield Type concerned by the ReportElementTranslator
String getCustomFieldTypeKey();
and also an abstract implementation :
public abstract class AbstractReportElementTranslator implements ReportElementTranslator {
private ReportElementTranslatorModuleDescriptor descriptor;
public ReportElementTranslatorModuleDescriptor getDescriptor() {
return descriptor;
public void setDescriptor(ReportElementTranslatorModuleDescriptor descriptor) {
this.descriptor = descriptor;
public String getKey() {
return descriptor.getKey();
public String getCustomFieldTypeKey() {
return descriptor.getCustomfieldTypeKey();
When you will implement your own ReportElementTranslator, you WILL HAVE TO use it.
Step 4. Configure your Modules in Atlassian Descriptor
When you have implemented all ReportElementTranslator, you will have to complete the configuration of the Atlassian Descriptor (atlassian-plugin.xml) of your plugin. You will have to use the module-types previously mentioned ...
ReportElementTranslator Classes Declaration
The <report-element-translator /> module type allows you to declare your ReportElementTranslatorclasses. They will be injected in the Log Work Page and Log Work Issue Panel as soon as the plugin is enabled.
The unique identifier of the plugin module.
A simple Human readable name of the plugin module
The complete key (Plugin Key and Module Key) of the customfieldtype
The Java class which implements this ReportElementTranslator. The class you need to provide must inherit from and implement
Sample Declaration
Here is the declaration of ReportElementTranslator.
<report-element-translator key="ReportElementTranslatorOnMyCustomfieldType"
name="ReportElement Translator On My CustomfieldType"
Step 5. Build and Deploy
As soon as the declaration of ReportElementTranslatoris done, you have to compile the plugin. It will be ready for deployment with Minyaa Time plugin as dependency.