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| Reports Workload Project is displaying Spent Time against Estimates.
- WorkloadProject Workload Report (Project) : Calculations are done, taking in account the spent Time of all project's issue, not only the identified one.
- WorkloadOnPeriod Workload Report on Period : Same as WorkloadProject, but taking in account only the spent Time of identified issues.
- WorkloadIssueReport Workload Report (Issue) : Same as WorkloadOnPeriod, but criteria may be selected one by one.
In theses reports, the information displayed are the following : - Time Spent : Sum of entries of Users on the specified period
- Cumulated :Sum of all entries of Users on all issues
- Estimated :Sum of all Initialy Estimated Time for Issue concerned by the period (WorkloadIssueReport) or all issues (WorkloadProject)
- Remaining Time :Sum of Remaining Estimated Time (entered or deduced)
- Required Time :Cumulated + Remaining Time
- Gap :Estimated - Planned